Renewable & Alternative Energy

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Microgrids that support community/neighborhood Renewable and Alternative Energy fundraiser that will encourage the development of current and formerly contaminated lands, landfills, hazardous waste sites, etc. which are usually placed in or near Minority and Low-Income communities. This initiative identifies the renewable and alternative energy potential of these sites and provide useful resources for communities, developers, industry, state and local governments or anyone interested in reusing these sites for renewable and alternative energy development. The economic benefits for the communities are a property that had been vacant or underutilized turned into a facility that will create jobs, and turn blight into an economic opportunity.

We offer participating Nonprofit organizations DIY Consulting Services specializing in Solar, Fuel Cells, Thermelectric (waste heat from exhaust systems or hot water pipes, etc), and Wind products or buy our Energy saving products designed for apartments (renters), townhomes, houses , buildings, etc.
low angle photography of transmitter tower

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Renewable and Alternative Energy for Apartments, Condominiums, Townhomes, Homes, and Communities

This discussion describes
“Do-It-Yourself” (“DIY”) initiatives for renewable and/or alternative energy installations with little or no assistance. It encourages renewable and alternative energy development for the “Customers Living in Residential”:

 Apartments,
 Condominiums
 Townhomes,
 Homes, and
 Communities including but not limited to: Current and formerly contaminated lands, landfills, and mine sites.

Do It Yourself (DIY) projects can also use an energy assistant via EWAZES LLC, throughout this process, while saving monthly energy costs via an Energy Saving Performance Contract (ESPC) to select an Energy Service Company (ESCO). 

Renewable & Alternative Energy Products

Product 1

We Got This!

Do It Yourself (DIY)

For Apartments (Rentals) Patio, Balcony, Yard Solar Panels  

Upright Solar Panels

Build This On Your Kitchen Table or Out In Your Garage

A hydrogen fuel cell generates electricity through an electrochemical reaction using hydrogen and oxygen. In simplified terms it works like this: Hydrogen is sent into one side of a proton exchange membrane (PEM). The hydrogen proton travels through the membrane, while the electron enters an electrical circuit, creating a DC electrical current. On the other side of the membrane, the proton and electron are recombined and mixed with oxygen from room air, forming pure water. Because there is no combustion in the process, there are no other emissions, making fuel cells an extremely clean and renewable source of electricity.  (Department of Energy,, last reviewed 1-3-2021, cell&page=5&numperpage=60&albumId=&sort=&sortorder=&orient=any&plboxId=&dateAddedStart=&dateAddedEnd=&dateTakenStart=&dateTakenEnd=&dateExpirStart=&dateExpirEnd=&expiredasset=&doccontents=1&resolution=&resolutionOperand=min&fileSize=&fileSizeOperand=&fileWidth=&fileWidthOperand=min&fileHeight=&fileHeightOperand=min )

5kw PEM Fuel Cell

Product 4

Thermoelectric Power (using waste heat from your heater or heater exhaust, stove, or hot water pipes, etc. Waste Heat in your home, church or business, etc. Turn it into electricity and Save Money!)


Business Hours

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Microgrid CyberSecurity From:

1305 Barnard St. #575
Savannah, GA 31401
Email [email protected]

Monday - Friday


Saturday - Sunday


silhouette of person standing on rock surrounded by body of water


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